Let’s start off with taking a quick look at the overview of the prerequisites for the deployment of the Nexus 1000v because unlike deploying from the OVF or OVA, there are quite a few manual configuration steps required if you were to deploy using the ISO: The details to the steps listed here can be found in the Nexus 1000v deployment guide: n1000v_install_software.pdf which can be found here:

This will be the first of the 3 blog posts I will be writing which shows what the deployment process looks like when using the ISO bundled in the installation package for the VSM (Virtual Supervisor Module).

It’s been awhile since I’ve had a chance to deploy the Nexus 1000v but since I was asked to set one up temporary a month ago to get a temporary environment going, I took the opportunity to do a few screenshots for the different type of installs available for deployment.